



Flea facts::

  • A single female flea can lay up to 2000 eggs in her lifetime, with as many as 50 eggs per day. Under ideal conditions, with all of the offspring surviving and breeding themselves, a single pair of fleas could produce 2 trillion descendants in nine months.
  • A female flea may consume up to fifteen times her own body weight in blood each day, to support the huge production of eggs.
  • A flea is capable of jumping up to 8 inches high (some people say as high as 34 inches!!), or about 150 times its own height. This is certainly worth an Olympic medal, and would be the equivalent of a human leaping over 1000 feet high. It can jump horizontally about 13 inches, or 100 times its body length.
  • Fleas can survive for months without feeding. They can remain frozen for a year and survive. When first emerged as a hungry adult flea they can jump 40,000 times without a break, in their search for food.

It goes without saying these guys WILL find food and it’s usually your pet though they will be just as happy with you too. In fact, all animals are potential lunch for a flea.

Fleas are more than just a nuisance, these blood suckers can cause allergies, dermatitis and even anemia in your animals if not taken care of. Fleas can also be hosts to tapeworms and other disease.

Visit out our Service page to find out about our Flea Treatment and get rid of these pests now!

To get rid or your flea problem contact us today to set up a FREE assessment or to schedule an appointment.

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