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Fire Ants - Have you felt the pain?

Fire Ants in the Metroplex Fire ants are quickly popping up with all of the recent rains in the DFW metroplex. If you are unlucky enough to have been stung by one of these nuisance pests you are well aware that it’s not very comfortable and the after effects can linger for days. Some folks [...]

Termite season is here in the DFW area

Did you know that your untreated home is a food source for the wood destroying insect, the termite? Once the spring rains begin and temperatures start to stay above 70 degrees, termites start their migration up from the soil to invade your home. Your plumbing/water lines and drain areas in showers, tubs, sinks and toilets [...]

Carpenter Ants Moving In

While inspecting homes for wood destroying insects this past week, we were seeing elevated Carpenter Ant activity beginning to become more and more evident. Carpenter Ants Similar to Termites Carpenter ants are classified as a wood destroying insect just like termites. Unlike termites, however, they cause destruction to your home by removing wood to build [...]

Mosquito Season |Mosquito Control |Dengue | West Nile | Zika | Zika virus | Pest Control DFW | Pest Control Mid Cities

Mosquito season may seem far away but over the last few years there have been several instances of mosquitoes carrying virus’s such as Dengue, West Nile and the latest, Zika. The Zika virus can be transmitted through a mosquito bite and subsequent saliva transmission in humans. Severe brain damage and birth defects in newborn babies have been linked [...]

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